Jan 30, 2012

Day Seven

 Today was as good as a last day in Haiti can get. We spent most of our time today in Paul following whatnurses Susan, Ellen, and Shelly did yesterday. They spent time organizing the pharmacy, giving out medicine, patient visits, and Ellen got help a young boy who had broken his arm. Today we visited the school and dewormed 600 school students. In addition to the deworming, we weighed and measured them so we can reference their growth in future medical visits and target those that need nutritional support. When we got back to the mission it was time for our final English class which the kids were very enthusiastic about, especially when they were singing "happy birthday" to Dave. We wrapped up our time with the youth with one final game of chubba chubba can can (or in this case chubba chubba suitcase suitcase) to whom which the winner was awarded Jason's prized hat.

Then came what most would see as the saddest part of the week, but for me it was a time of hope, promises, and love. As I said goodbye to new friends and old, I promised I would return in at least one year. My time here, this trip and last, has been such a blessing and there is no reason for me not to return to this extraordinarily hospitable and hopeful country. Although I may cry the whole way home tomorrow, I will know that my brothers and sisters in Christ will always be in my heart.

Prayer Requests

Today's requests are for....

  • For Pastor Pierre as he continues to lead this mission and be a model of Christian character to all that he encounters.
  • For Paul Conley and Bobbie and Tom Hartman ... thankfulness for their leadership of the group this week and for their work while they remain in Haiti for one more week.
  • Gratitude for prayers answered....we realized in our last meeting after dinner tonight that the leaders of our trip had been praying about the large numbers of travelers (this is the largest group thus far) and the logistics that would be involved. They also prayed for the many travelers that didn't know what "task" they would perform upon arrival. The prayer was answered in wondrous ways as the travel was smooth, the group acclimated well to their surroundings and everyone was busy and productive the entire week!

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