Jun 25, 2011


Today had to have been the most eventful day so far. Like the past days I started my day with the chemistry lessons. Today's lesson was a bit more complex because the students were making soap. The students, I can tell, are thoroughly enjoying theHaiti - Wednesdaychemistry equipment we brought with us and they will get to keep it for further experimenting after we leave. Continuing my daily routine I moved on to the mural which is on task to be finished on Friday thanks to the help from the Haitian painters.

After lunch, I experienced a joyful event. Jim, one of the members from the Westminster team, got to meet his sponsored child for the first time. For those of you who don't know about the sponsored child program here's a brief summary: people all across America that Pastor Pierre has inspired take the liberty of sponsoring a child. They will send money to Pierre for a year's worth of the child's education. In return, Pierre will send the American a photo and also an occasional letter from the child. Today Jim got to meet his child for the first time he was able to present him with a goat! The American can purchase a variety of gifts for the child and their families: goats, roosters, cows, rice, beans to name a few. Jim's child will now be able to use the goat for meat, milk, or as Pastor Pierre was explaining to me earlier today, a source of money. I was sitting in the courtyard as the child and part of their family walked the new goat out on the leash and from their facial expressions I could tell they were ecstatic to have the new goat.

Silentor's after school beading project for the children is coming along splendidly. We started off with five children that would particularly benefit from this type of program. In Haiti - Wed.three days we have now grown to almost twenty children as the others come to watch and gradually work their way into the making of the bracelets.

Even at the end of the day we can still crack a joke. Tonight at dinner, Ed Lyness was explaining how he wakes up at three each morning (which I find incredible) to start his planning for the day. Then someone asked if the coffee was brewed that early and Ed responded that Pierre had brewed the coffee that morning. Pierre then cracked his joke that "He-Brews" (or other wise pronounced Hebrews as in the book in the Bible) at 6:15. Gary, being the tech savvy man he is, quickly looked up what Hebrews 6:15 was and it turns out that "And so after waiting patiently he received what was promised" ...the coffee.

What Are Our Prayer Requests?
  • praying with joy that the work on the clinic went smoothly today after experiencing some trials the day prior.
  • prayers that we can stay rested and healthy so we may continue to serve.

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